Friday, November 25, 2011

Fess up Friday: Your momma dresses you funny

I'm not a typical female.  I only own a few pairs of shoes and almost all of my clothes fit in a 1/3 of my very small closet.  I do try to dress nicely, and for the most part I think I succeed.  I just don't have a lot of clothes or shoes to do it with.  Its not for lack of funds, its just the way I am.  Cheap  Frugal.

Unfortunately for my children, I am also in charge of their wardrobes.  What this means is that when we moved to Korea from Hawaii a few months back, each of my boys owned a single pair of shoes.  Flip-flops no less.  (Since Asha went to school she also had a pair of tennis shoes and a pair of Mary Janes.)

When it comes to their clothing, I do care about quality so I do shop at some name brand places like Old Navy, Children's Place and Gymboree, but only when their sales are super amazing.  Not only do I not buy very many clothes, I also only shop the clearance section.

It occurred to me a while back that this means my kids only wear clothes no one else wanted to buy :/

I may have picked out these clothes,
but I did NOT pick out these outfits!

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