"I aspire to grace, I aspire to generosity, I aspire to kindness. I have my moments -- shiny and effortless. But then, I stumble and fall. I don't write the letter, I don't reach out the hand, I don't give up the grudge whose sense evaporated long, long ago.
And so I'm vowing to try harder to become the person that I want to be. The person worth remembering in big and small ways. And soon. Oh, soon. Before it's me to whom the doctor turns and says, I have bad news. And I'm confronted with the cold truth that a paper hospital gown is poor protection for what lies underneath. "
It's not the kind of inspiration that I expected when I went here this morning, but I was inspired none the less.
When it comes to who we are, it doesn't really make a difference who we wish we were, or even who we intend to be, does it? No, the difference is made by who we try to be. The difference is made by the effort. We may never fully achieve our goal, but we are never closer to it than when are to trying to achieve it.
And so I'm vowing to try harder to become the person that I want to be.